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Bacon Cheese Roll Redux – The Bacon Explosion

Bacon Cheese Roll Redux – The Bacon Explosion

Shortly after alerting readers of the awesomeness that is the Bacon Cheese Roll I find this from the New York Times which leads me to the full article at

It’s a fairly simple set of ingredients with a slightly more complex preparation. But the ending is pure awesomeness. The original Bacon Cheese Roll looked like it needed something more anyway (yes, more!).

Favorite quote from the article

“Now that you’re pork is well seasoned, it’s time to add more pork.”

Bacon Explosion Ingredients

2 pounds thick cut bacon
2 pounds Italian sausage
1 jar of your favorite barbeque sauce
1 jar of your favorite barbeque rub

Preparation (abridged)

You create a weave of bacon similar to the Bacon Cheese Roll. But instead of baking it afterward you keep adding ingredients. In the end you barbecue it for 2 1/2 hours in a smoker to give it extra flavor.

FSWC member, Miotto, said that this picture looks more like an “edible place-mat”. Maybe you could try baking it at this point and cutting it like a square pizza. Maybe with a side of ranch dressing? Mmmmm…I digress.

Bacon Cheese Roll Explosion - Step 6

Step 6

Next, roll everything into a tightly wound roll or “fat-torpedo” as I like to call it.

Bacon Cheese Roll Explosion - Step 8

Step 8

Here’s the “fat-torpedo” on the grill/smoker.

Bacon Cheese Roll Explosion - Step 9

Step 9

And here it is – the finished (ahem) product. Try to control your gag-reflex…I’m sure it tastes delicious.

Bacon Cheese Roll Explosion - Step 12

Step 12

Be careful of the bacon implosion which happens to your heart after eating more than two slices of this. Enjoy!

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